Be Vibrant Memberships



* Memberships do not apply to weight loss program

$125 spa credit to use on any service

Jeuveau at $9/unit

Skinny Shots at $15

Bring a friend and enjoy a 20% discount on any IV Therapy service.



* Memberships do not apply to weight loss program

$250 spa credit to use on any service

Jeuveau at $9/unit

Skinny Shots at $15

Bring a friend and enjoy a 20% discount on any IV Therapy service.



* Memberships do not apply to weight loss program

$500 spa credit to use on any service

Jeuveau at $9/unit

Skinny Shots at $15

Bring a friend and enjoy a 20% discount on any IV Therapy service.

* No cash refunds on memberships. Cancel at anytime. Spa credits are not transferrable.

* Credits expire after 12 months of cancelling your membership.

* Memberships do not apply to weight loss program.

2024 Vibrant Med Spa NWA

"Our mission is to empower you to look and feel your best."

Crafted by 479 Digital

A very best winner 2024 badge with a black exclamation
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